Our articles on TFT Tactical Combat: Fast 8, the level 8 rush strategy to buy legendary champions The "Fast 8" strategy consists of reaching level 8 as quickly as possible to obtain legendary champions before your opponents. We explain all the details about this type of economy.
Among the different styles of economy on TFT, there is a strategy called " Fast 8 », and which consists of using powerful transition units to survive the mid-game and reach level 8 as quickly as possible, in order to base its final composition on carries at 4 and 5 Range. Here is our guide and our advice to best apply this technique.
- Read also | Our tier-list of compositions
When to Play Fast 8 Strategy on TFT
What is the "Fast 8" strategy?
The "Fast 8" strategy is a method of economy on TFT, which consists of save as much as possible during the beginning and middle of the game without ever rolling to can pass level 8 as soon as possible, usually in round 4-3.
With this in mind, you will want to use so-called "transition" units : champions with 1, 2 or 3 Range which are used to carry the items of your legendary champions time to find them and allow you to be strong enough in the mid game that you don't have to roll.
Why go to level 8 so early?
The main interest of this economy is to be able to roll for legendary champions (to 5 gold) very quickly, because your composition depends on it (Gangplank et Aurelion Sol for the rebels Echo for the Cyborgs...) or because it allows him to make it much more powerful (Xerath level 2 for Dark Pulsars, Miss Fortune for Atomizers...).
Level 8 also allowsincrease your chances of getting certain carries to 4 gold at levels 2, as Jinx, Jhin or even Kayle. Also, if you are challenged on these units, going to level 8 before your opponents allows you to reduce the chances that they have unlocked them before you.
When to play the Fast 8 strategy?
If it is technically possible to force this strategy in all games for some of the best players in the ladder, it is more advisable to consider it under a few specific conditions:
- You have a good or even excellent start to the game: If you have for example 3 Cyborgs, several level 2 champions or very powerful units (Jayce, Kassadin...) before the first PVP round which should allow you to have a winning streak and not be too worried during the mid-game, it will be much easier to save.
- You have gold in the first PVE rounds: This strategy relies on a strong economy to level up quickly. Ideally, you'll want to already have 10 gold by the second PVP round at the latest, in order to reach the maximum interest at 50 gold as soon as possible, usually after the Krugs.
- You have good objects for a Fast 8 composition: Since you won't want to roll during the early or mid game, you will be encouraged to combine your items quickly to be strong enough. As a result, it's recommended to go for this kind of strategy when you can already make items that are important on one of your legendary champions. We will detail these different objects in the next section.
Finally, this strategy is the most complex of TFT and requires a excellent management of its economy and especially transition units in the middle of the game, and a good late game pivoting ability depending on the units offered to you. We don't recommend it for players who aren't comfortable with these concepts.
How to Execute the Fast 8 Strategy
The basis of the Fast 8 strategy is simple: save as much as possible in order to reach 50 gold as soon as possible, usually around the Krugs, then use any excess gold to buy experience without ever rolling (or almost). Normally the goal is to pass level 7 in round 4-1 andlevel 8 in round 4-3 and start rolling to find your legendary units. In order to reach your gold levels as quickly as possible, avoid buying superfluous units at the start of the game, especially the 3 gold ones that can cost your economy dearly.
To survive in the mid-game, you will need to call upon " transition units ": champions strong enough to carry you up to level 8 and especially on which equip your items which will then go to your legendaries. There are several interesting units depending on the legendary champions you will call upon.
Indeed, this kind of strategy will require you to play your team as strong as possible depending on the natural rolls you have, before transitioning into the endgame once you roll and your new units are stronger. It is therefore important to know which are the best champions to use in mid-game carries:
- ziggs: If you play Rebelle, you will need to use Ziggs. This one works great with objects for Gangplank (Rabadon's Headdress), for Aurelion Sol (morellonomicon) or for Miss Fortune (Seraph's Embrace).
- Jayce / Darius: One of the best options to make a good midgame is to play Jayce or Darius carry with the items of Gangplank for example (Guardian angel, Discount et Ion Spark). In addition to being very powerful with magic power, they will give you extra gold to pass level 8 as soon as possible. Kassadine is also to be considered: it benefits well from magic power and the Guardian Angel in the middle of the game.
- Master Yi / Xayah : If you want to play Xerath in the late game, you'll usually want a combination of Guinsoo's Raging Blade et Mercury. This one works really well on a mid-game Blademaster, especially Level 2 Master Yi.
- Ashe : Ashe makes perfect use of mana generation items that can later work on champions like Lulu et Thresh, in particular the combination of Lance de Shojin et Ouragan de Runaan ou Guinsoo's Raging Blade.
Normally with your economy you should be able to pass level 8 in round 4-3. At this point, you will need to make a decision:
- Is your transition team is still strong enough and you still have enough HP, in which case you can consider not rolling immediately but going pass level 9 ;
- Is you risk losing too much life while waiting, in which case you should roll directly in order to find your first legendaries and stabilize your composition.
Then, start gradually replacing your transition units with your new legendaries, all in saving again. Once your composition is strong enough, you should consider pass level 9 to further maximize your chances of finding your Legendary Champion upgrades.
With what compositions do you need Fast 8
Currently, there are 3 compositions that are essentially based on a Fast 8 strategy, with others who can consider it but for which it is not the only option.
Fast 8 Comps
The composition Rebelle mainly depends on Gangplank et Aurelion Sol levels 2, usually with a third legendary unit that will either be Miss Fortune or, Lulu (the one that was not chosen is often added level 9). The most important objects for playing this composition are theGuardian angel for Gangplank and the morellonomicon for Aurelion Sol.
- See our Rebel/Demolisher/Atomizer composition guide.
The composition Cyborg needsEcho to reach the level of 6 units, although this is not really the carry of this composition. She also uses Thresh in most scenarios, this one giving Mana Raider and Chrononaut, in addition to being individually strong. She can also use Miss Fortune at the end of the game.
- See our guide to the Cyborg / Blademaster / Chrononaut composition.
Relatively similar to the Rebelle composition, the composition 6 Sorcerers + Demolisher also uses Gangplank in main carry with multiple items (Guardian angel first, then Rabadon's Headdress et Ion Spark as a bonus), with also the possibility of adding Xerath in secondary carry (Mercury et Guinsoo's Raging Blade being the best options).
- See our Sorcerer/Demolitionist/Mercenary composition guide.
Comps that can consider this strategy
Besides these three compositions that need to reach level 8 quickly to work, some others can also adopt this strategy, although it is not mandatory. It then allows them to take advantage of a series of wins in the middle of the game for snowballing on legendary units in order to be more powerful in the late game.
- The composition Kayle carry : If players tend to roll a little level 7 to find Kayle 2 with this composition, it is possible to rush level 8 if your board is strong enough to maximize your chances of obtaining Miss Fortune, Lulu et / ou Thresh for example.
- The Atomizer / Brawler Composition: Same as for the previous one, it's common to roll level 7 for Jinx, but it's also possible to roll rather level 8 and keep Lucian in transition unit until then for Miss Fortunand/or Lulu.
- The composition Jhin carry : Whether with 6 Dark Pulsars, or the "Korean" version with Gangplank, Jhin carry comps benefit a lot from legendary champions: Xerath, Gangplank et Lulu are often considered.
Tips for good Fast 8 on TFT
- If you're too weak in the mid-game, it's better to roll than lose too much HP : There will often be times when you want to play a Fast 8 comp but are on a losing streak mid-game. Rather than losing too many HP and arriving in 4-3 with only 30 HP, it is better to roll at level 7 in order to stabilize yourself via carries at 3-4 Range, even if it means delaying level 8 until a round 5-1.
- Always seek to be the strongest on the board rather than playing your final composition : The hardest thing to master in the fast 8 strategy is your ability to stay strong without rolling. To do this, it may be wise to delay your transition: there is no point in replacing your level 2 Jayce with a level 1 Gangplank if the first remains more powerful at this stage of the game, keep it as long as you have your legendary level 2. In the same way, it is useless to play 5 Cyborgs the time to find Ekko, rather try to play 3 + 4 Chrononauts for example.
- If after reaching level 8 you have only a few gold left, save a little before rolling : If your economy wasn't the best in the mid-game (no win/loss streak for example), it's better to wait a bit rather than roll with only 10 or 20 gold, which will only give you little opportunities to find your legendaries.
- If you don't need to transition right away, consider leveling up to level 9 without rolling : If you play a rather powerful transition composition (with a Jayce carry + 6 Sorcerers for example) and you are still rather strong once you reach level 8, it is generally more interesting to continue saving to rush level 9 than roll, you will then have a much better chance of having your legendary levels 2.
- The best galaxies to play Fast 8 : Unsurprisingly, the two best galaxies to play a Fast 8 comp are the Neekovers and Average legends (Not so little legends): the first because you can directly have a level 2 legendary very quickly, the second because you can more easily get level 9 while still having enough HP.
If you have any suggestions or questions, please let us know in the comments!
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